Resources - Romans 13:12
This website offers a dedicated Christian Resource page designed to support both believers and seekers on their spiritual journey. For those who have been genuinely saved by God's grace, it provides access to trusted, sound biblical teachings that can deepen their faith and understanding of Scripture.
Additionally, for non-believers or those exploring (learning) the Christian faith, the page offers valuable resources to learn about the Gospel and discover the truth of God's love and His Salvation offered to humanity. Whether you're seeking guidance, biblical wisdom, or answers to life's biggest questions, this resource page points to reputable websites that uphold the authority of the Holy Scriptures - Sola Scriptura (The Holy Bible).
Before we begin recommending Christian resource material on this webpage, it's important to first discuss some of the Bible translations we recommend. For those seeking a reliable and historically trusted translation, we highly recommend the Authorized King James Version (KJV). The KJV is based on the Textus Receptus for the New Testament and the Masoretic Text for the Old Testament, making it a solid choice for those who value accuracy and tradition. While there are many modern translations available, the KJV remains a cornerstone for English-speaking believers, offering clarity and depth in its presentation of God’s Word.
Bible Translations
Nowhere in the Holy Scriptures does it prophesy that King James of England would be the only authorized authority to commission a trusted translation of the Bible. Therefore, we believe that the doctrine of King James Onlyism (KJV-onlyism) is not supported by Scripture. If this were the case, what about Spanish speakers, Chinese speakers, or speakers of other languages? The point is that while the King James Version is widely regarded as one of the most beloved and popular English translations, nothing in the Bible mandates that English speakers are required by God to read only the KJV. God's Word can be faithfully translated into various languages, and we believe that as long as a translation stays true to the original Hebrew and Greek texts, it can be a legitimate and trustworthy resource for all believers.
The King James Version (KJV) is based on the Textus Receptus (Latin for "received text") for the New Testament and the Masoretic Text for the Old Testament, both of which have long been respected as reliable sources for translation.
In contrast, many modern versions like the New International Version (NIV) are based on the Alexandrian Text, which some critics argue contains textual discrepancies and errors. This has led some to label the Alexandrian Text as "corrupted" due to its variations from earlier manuscript traditions, particularly in key passages.
However, this website is not intended to engage in debates over the Masoretic Text versus the Alexandrian Text, but rather to provide access to clear, trustworthy English translations of Scripture.
Our focus is on recommending translations that are faithful to the biblical message, ensuring that God's Word remains accessible and accurate for today’s modern readers.
Our Recommendations
A. The Authorized King James Version(s) 1611 - 1769
KJV Edition: Read Online Link
Note: Since the King James Bible is widely known and available globally in 2024, we believe a purchase link is unnecessary, as most English speakers can find a copy in stores. However, we do provide a link to a website where the KJV is available for free online.
Authorized King James Bible Online
B. The V.W. Edition - Voice in the Wilderness Version
Note: V.W. Edition - "English translation of the Bible from the Masoretic and Textus Receptus Hebrew/Greek texts. A 'literal' translation with the readability of a NKJV or MKJV." Publisher: Paul Becker
VW Edition: FREE PDF Download
VW Edition: Read Online
Purchase Copy: Voice in the Wilderness - Holy Scriptures
V.W. Study Books: Purchase Online
Voice in the Wilderness Information: Paul Becker, from Spokane, Washington (USA), went Home to be with the Lord whom he faithfully served for years with the A Voice in the Wilderness ministry. While his website is no longer available online we at All Will Stand duplicated his website files to encourage people to utilize the various resources for Christian spiritual learning. We consider this website the
Library of Congress for Christians.
Please visit:
God Bless Paul Becker - We will see you at the "Tree of Life" someday.
Because we believe the days are short...
This website will only list Christian sites that we can verify adhere to key biblical doctrinal principles. These include: 1. Faithful Scriptural Salvation, 2. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture, 3. A Young Earth view, and 4. Correct Fundamental Biblical Dispensationalism.
These essential doctrines reflect our commitment to sound, biblically grounded teaching in these crucial areas. Although some Christians and ministries we deeply respect may hold differing views, we cannot list them due to major biblical errors, regardless of our belief that the souls of those involved are saved and serving God.
Way of Life Ministry is founded on a truthful teaching of fundamental scriptural contexts and proper dispensationalism. David Cloud is a respected writer and, despite some scriptural differences, he has a deeper understanding of the Holy Scriptures than 99.9% of Baptist churches worldwide. His commitment to sound doctrine and biblical clarity makes his work valuable for those seeking to grow in their faith.